Benefits to the Practice -AAC
Access, assess & continuity of care
Benefits to the Practice
Dental Practice will be benefited with the Implementation of the standards related to the Access, Access & continuity of care because-
- Patients are well informed of the services that the Practice provides to the community.
- This will facilitate in appropriately matching with the facilities and resources that "The Practice" is providing to them.
The Dental Practice should be treating only those patients where its infrastructure allows them to treat the condition.
Infrastructure means Human Resources, Appropriate skill sets and Equipment infrastructure.
What does it mean?
- It is all about patient’s access to the practice, assessment of the patient & care being imparted to them.
- Patients or community should be aware of the services those are being provided by your organization.
- Patient’s assessment should be thorough and complete and every patient who is under your scope of services should have access to your practice. Your practice should be able to make comprehensive assessment of their Oral & Dental health.
- Up on their assessment they should undergo a good care for their problem reported.
- They should be provided with a comprehensive care plan for the existing conditions and a preventive care plan.
- You should have correct policies for patient referrals.
- Well defined policies and procedures must be in place if you need any kind of hematological, pathological and radiological investigations.
- You should have a comprehensive radiation safety protocol in place in the practice.