Benefits to the Practice - HRM
Human resource Management
Benefits to Practice
This section will guide you through the human resource management in your Dental Practice.
As you know skilled human resources are the key to any successful business. It is more particularly true with the healthcare sector.
Identifying, recruiting & further training of those skillful human resources is must; and the organization needs very stringent policies to manage the Human Resources.
What does it mean?
The most important resource of a hospital or health care system is the human resource.
Human resources are an asset for effective and efficient functioning of an organization.
Without an equally effective human resource management system, all other inputs like technology, infrastructure and finances come to naught.
The goal of human resource management is to acquire, provide retain and maintain competent people in right numbers to meet the needs of the patients and community served by the clinic.
You can’t grow alone. “UNITED WE STAND; DIVIDED WE FALL”, learning from this phrase, an organization cannot grow based on 1 individual, it can ONLY grow with joint efforts of dedicated staff working loyally for the organization.
Effective Human Resource Management can take place if you take care of the following aspects
- Organized recruitment process.
- Employing the right qualified and trained human resource for the job description of the employee.
- Implementation of Employee Retention schemes.
- Employee evaluation & appraisal system.
- Policies for casual leaves, medical leaves & periodic paid and unpaid holidays.
- Policies for unintentional & intentional damages caused by an employee to the organization or any aspect of the organization.
- Policies for the Human resource training & continual education.